8 tactics to help you increase your social media conversions

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8 tactics to help you increase your social media conversions 61b17747b8401

Focus on key platforms

The functions of social networks have expanded significantly – they have long ceased to be a tool for entertainment and communication. Now it is one of the key selling points for B2C and B2B. Most of the world’s population is already involved in social networks, millions of people spend in them from one to several hours a day. And the reach of the audience continues to grow.

Therefore, increasing conversions on social networks is necessary and very important. The main thing is to develop effective tactics that will help generate leads and transform them into full-fledged sales. Let’s take a look at some of them recommended by experienced SMMs.

8 тактик, которые помогут вам увеличить конверсию в соцсетях

Social networks for promoting a business should be chosen taking into account its industry, niche and the set goal. If some sites show unsatisfactory results for a long time – there are no conversions, subscribers, leads, then you should switch your attention to others.

It is best to take into account the preferences and dispersion of the target audience. They are as follows:

  • Facebook – videos and recommended content;
  • TikTok – a place of “gathering” for young people;
  • Telegram – representatives of the IT sphere and other industries;
  • Twitter – news, blogs, gifs;
  • LinkedIn – professional content, news and vacancies;
  • Pinterest – pictures and infographics;
  • Instagram – high-quality video and photo content in high resolution.

Groups of users, looking at the feed, expect to see interesting content in it. If you correctly determine the content, presentation and design of materials, you can count on attracting their attention and subsequent transformation into clients. Monitoring social networks will allow you to focus on the most promising of them and not waste time.

Run contests and promotions

The purpose of contests and promotions in social networks is to increase the number of subscribers, increase their activity and brand awareness. People like to experience positive emotions, receive gifts – such events, if properly organized, always give a good result.

To achieve what you want, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Decide on the goal: if you plan to expand your subscriber base or get more reactions, then in exchange for participating in the drawing, you can ask to make a mark about the brand on your page, like, subscribe, etc. To generate leads you must specify a phone number or mail. Contests give good results, after which you can apply custom content.
  • Offer simple, understandable and easy to implement conditions. Ensure transparent vote counting and selection of winners .
  • Try to avoid cheating and other dishonest tricks. This may require some restrictions.


It is a good idea to hold contests and promotions with some regularity. This will attract new users and retain the attention of existing ones.

Experiment with videos

The human brain (especially the modern one) is designed in such a way that the perception and processing of visual content is better and faster. When using video, conversion will increase significantly. Publishing videos on social networks will be more effective under the following conditions:

  • Videos should be short and informative. No one will watch long introductions and lengthy arguments that are not in essence. It is advisable to keep the intrigue until the end of the video, but not to delay the wait.
  • Publish not only your videos, but also the video testimonials of your customers.
  • Filmed content should be really meaningful and useful for users. It can be not only about promoted products – it can be related topics.

There are plenty of cases on social networks when big business started with periodic publications of content valuable for certain groups of users.

Publish user-generated content

What can be more convincing than the opinion of other users? Photos, videos, reviews of individual products from real people can increase conversion rates by a third or even higher. That’s about one in three visitors paying for a purchase.

User generated content is a great sales tool. It shows the real state of affairs – how the goods were packed, how they were delivered, their quality and appearance in reality. Of course, users will have to be incentivized to create such content. For them to provide it, you can offer a variety of “goodies” – discounts, gifts, participation in lotteries, etc.

8 тактик, которые помогут вам увеличить конверсию в соцсетях

Also, do not forget about copyright. To publish even a regular review, you must obtain the consent of its author. And don’t forget to check the box.

Work with bloggers

Opinion leaders are people who have their own large audience, which trusts and listens to them. These can be stars of show business, politicians, professionals in some areas, and large bloggers on some platforms. Working with bloggers is a way with a high return on investment. By partnering with them, you can get high conversions and increase brand awareness.

If you have budget constraints, then you should not immediately seek to partner with big influencers. There are microbloggers with a small number of subscriptions (for example, from 10 to 50 thousand), but no less active audience. The main thing is to find out if your target audience is among them.

Use the right tools

If you think that promoting your business on social networks is too difficult, then it is not. Of course, this is not a spontaneous process – everything that gives a good result requires a competent approach. To successfully work on social networks, you need to use various tools.

For example, if you want your visual content to look great and attract the attention of users, then you should use various services to create illustrations. The most popular of them are Crello, Pablo, Fotor.com, Adobe Spark, Avatan.ru, etc. They will help you quickly design posts on social networks, decorate them with various photo effects and inscriptions, create videos, presentations, postcards, etc.

By using delayed publishing services, you can get more done by saving time. You can schedule posts for some time in advance, and then automatically send them out from one admin panel to all social networks. The service will publish content itself and calculate analytics.

Using modern platforms for social media analytics, you can choose effective strategies, analyze consumer opinions, find important insights, manage reputation, etc. necessary adjustments to work.

Analyze and track

To understand how correct the strategy the company has chosen is, one cannot do without conversion rate analytics. Problems can arise at any stage of the sales funnel – the content does not cling, people do not see the advantages, there is no way to quickly explore the assortment, difficulties with ordering, etc.

8 тактик, которые помогут вам увеличить конверсию в соцсетях

Using various tools analysts, you can quickly identify problem areas and take measures to eliminate them – focus on a different audience, adjust advertising, focus on more profitable channels and areas, etc. Using the Google Analytics service will allow you to see the relationship between the intermediate results and the goals that the company initially set .

Run ads through retargeting

Retargeting is a great strategic way to remind users of products that they were interested in before but were never purchased. Retargeting works well because you reach an audience that already knows you and your work. This is just a small push to get into the funnel.

Retargeting can be used in a variety of ways. One of them is promoting blog posts through Facebook ads. Interested users will click on the link and read it. By tracking visitors, you can then show them relevant ads.


If you want to get more leads from social media, you need to work on building an effective strategy using a variety of tactics. Use every traffic opportunity that will convert visitors to your customers.