Collagen for joints: rules of admission

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Why do joints hurt?

With the arrival of spring, many of us decide to exercise more actively and walk more. But what if jogging, biking, and long walks are not good mood, but joint pain?

There can be several reasons for joint problems, here are the most common:

  1. Excessive stress on the legs. Most often, overweight people suffer from excessive load on the joints of the legs, but a sudden change in activity mode, for example, an increase in sports load, can also “tire” the legs.
  2. Footwork. Salespeople, hairdressers, builders – everyone whose working day is on their feet is at risk.
  3. Injuries to joints and ligaments, including permanent microtrauma, are a common problem for professional athletes and people whose work is related to physical labor.
  4. Age and age-related wear of the articular tissue.
  5. Long-term wearing of uncomfortable shoes.
  6. Chronic and hereditary joint diseases, surgical interventions.

So that the joints do not hurt, and the joy of movement returns, it is necessary not only to eliminate the cause of unpleasant symptoms – to take breaks and warm-up at work, wear comfortable shoes, engage in weight correction , it is important to support -motor apparatus with the necessary nutrients.

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What is collagen

For all organs and tissues, the balance of vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids is important, but there is one protein that is especially necessary for joints – this is collagen. This protein forms a kind of framework for the cartilage tissue, it strengthens the joints and bones, makes the ligaments more elastic. In addition, it is responsible for the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, the health of nails, hair and teeth.

The human body produces collagen on its own, but after 25 years, protein production slows down, and practically stops by old age. This is why it is important to replenish supplies from the outside.

Here are foods to help you maintain your nutrient levels:

  • meat and fish broths – contain an active form of collagen;
  • salmon – promotes protein synthesis;
  • green leafy vegetables – chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green color of plants, contains procollagen;
  • citrus fruits are fruits rich in vitamin C, which helps to form proline – a substance without which the required protein is not synthesized;
  • avocado – promotes collagen synthesis and contains healthy fats;
  • tomatoes – stimulate the production of protein necessary for joints;
  • berries – raspberries, cranberries, blackberries – prevent collagen breakdown.

A varied diet rich in vegetables and fruits is always important, but in old age, when the risk of joint diseases increases, it is better to support the body in addition – special dietary supplements.

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How collagen works

It is no coincidence that the name of the protein comes from the Greek “kolla”, which means “glue”. Scientists associate the main function of collagen with gluing. Protein molecules create a kind of long fibers – fibrils, which form a framework for attaching cartilage cells. Thanks to fibrils, cells are securely held together, making the joint stronger and preventing it from thinning, and the ligaments are able to withstand sprains.

Due to the loss of collagen with age, fibrils break down faster and regenerate more slowly. This leads to wrinkles, fragility of bones and loss of joint mobility.

In total, there are about 20 types of protein of interest to us, but types I, II and III are most useful for joints.

  1. Type # 1. The most common and most studied form is nearly all collagen found in the body. Fibrils of this type form bundles that form the skin, ligaments involved in the formation of teeth and nails.
  2. Type # 2. Loosener than fibrils fibers. They form cartilage and increase joint mobility.
  3. Type # 3. It is a very thin and easily extensible fibril. This type is indispensable for the formation of bundles of collagen type 1 collagen fibrils.

Taking collagen can significantly reduce the risk of arthritis. Scientific experiments have shown that collagen is more than just a building block for joints, it reduces inflammation and pain.

How to take collagen for joints?

There are dozens of brands of collagen diet products for joints, how to choose the right one and how to take protein for maximum benefit?

Dietary supplements with this protein are safe for most people and do not show significant side effects even if they are slightly exceeded. But some manufacturers add animal and vegetable substances to the product that can cause allergies. For example, milk, nuts and fish.

Коллаген порок и капсулы в ложечах

People with kidney and liver problems need to be wary of eating foods with a nutrient – the nutrient increases the load on the filtering organs. If the rate of consumption of a collagen supplement is significantly exceeded, unpleasant taste sensations in the mouth, a burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach, and heaviness in the stomach may occur.

The optimal solution is to choose a vitamin and mineral complex that includes not only protein, but also other substances important for joints. So the complex “Collagen Forte” from Amrita contains collagen hydrolyzate, which is easily absorbed by the body. Fortified with calcium, vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin B1, zinc, chromium and vitamin E, these nutrients increase the effectiveness of a substance that is good for joints and have a positive effect on overall health.

For the prevention of arthritis, experts recommend taking the supplement in courses lasting a month. It is enough to drink 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with meals. Reception can be repeated after 2-3 months.

Buy Collagen Forte from Amrita and enjoy the ease of movement at any age!