5 main principles of investing for beginners. Part 2

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bez nazvanija 30

Principle 4. Choose the right tools at start.

You can, of course, immediately buy stocks or even bitcoins, but what this approach will lead to. Most likely to losses. You need to start with a basic investment, and this does not have to be a bank deposit.

To begin with, we at our school always advise you to choose government bonds. It is safer than stocks or corporate bonds, but also more profitable than a regular deposit. Government bonds in Russia are also called Federal Loan Bonds or OFZ. Next in terms of reliability are corporate bonds, especially public corporations.

Why do we consider it reliable to invest in Russia? Well, firstly, check the website of the World Gold Council (an international source of information on gold and a body for the settlement of gold issues) – in Russia, everything is in order with the gold reserve, and it is only growing. This means that the state’s default, including the refusal to pay off government bonds, is extremely low.

To continue, you will have to learn how to use technical and fundamental analysis. In fact, fundamental analysis is simpler and we will talk about them in more detail in a future article. Fundamental analysis, in simple terms, is the assessment of a company based on its news and its reports. If a company plans to lay off 5,000 employees in order to lower its paychecks, we don’t think it’s worth investing in such a company. But this is a simple example so that it is clear what we are talking about.

Choose the right tools at start

Principle 5. Have a financial cushion.

Having an airbag is a key investment principle. It is impossible to talk about any investment without an airbag. You just won’t be able to invest if you haven’t set aside some money. You will be worried that you have invested the last money, or you will simply slowly pull money out of your investment portfolio, especially if you have not provided for yourself an “insurance fund”, which we have already written about.

How many stories we hear and see about would-be investors who put their last money into some financial instruments that are in fact fraudulent. This approach to personal finance is only possible due to a lack of financial literacy. But also due to the fact that the last money is being invested.

Investments are not some big jackpot that is ripped off once in a lifetime and then you live happily ever after. Maybe I’ll upset someone now, but investing is the same job. Do not trust the beautiful pictures, at first you will have to figure out and work on investments, especially if you are starting from scratch. And only then, when the capital already starts working for you, and then not by itself, but with your involvement, you can calmly breathe out and understand that all your efforts were not in vain.

But once again – this requires a very good work now. I started my way to investing about 10 years ago, and I have never regretted my time or money invested in my knowledge, everything has paid off and will pay off further.


These were the 5 investment principles that any aspiring investor should follow.

If you need to prepare to comply with them:

  • learn how to assemble an airbag,
  • understand how to set financial goals and manage your money,
  • learn how to keep costs under control
  • understand how to turn your daily savings into a habit

– the door to our closed financial club is open for you.

What is a closed financial club:

  • Daily exercise to build a saving habit.
  • Weekly resources and video tutorials / workshops on personal finance.
  • A community of people who strive for financial well-being.

Why do we draw an analogy with training? Because habits are trained in the same way as muscles. The most important thing is that you have 2T: Technique and Trainer.

You get the technique in our club in the form of videos and similar materials, and the Trainer is our daily training.

The coach will call you if you suddenly decide to skip a workout, and our system, which knows that you have a goal to acquire a habit, and will remind you of this if you suddenly miss a workout of your monetary habit.

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